
Kathryn Mitchell

Associate Partner
Fearless Engagement

“I belief many senior roles leave individuals isolated. I create an environment where this isolation can be broken.

Where you as leader can feel comfortable to challenge and understand how you show up in the world and how to become a better version of yourself – if you choose to!”

The Personal Bit
60 seconds’ work and play…

3 words that sum you up?
Curious. Zestful. Purposeful.

And 3 words that don’t?
Grumpy. Controlling. Argumentative.

The best audience/coachees?
Those that have a sneaking suspicion that they might want to take a small step to being a better version of themselves but don’t know where to start.

What makes you laugh or smile?
The voicemails that my best friend and I leave for each other.

Talk to me about…
What one small, brave step you would like to make to positively shift yourself from where you are today.

Ideal superpower?
To be able to Transport myself to my family’s side when they need it most.

Or the superpower of omnilingualism – I could coach in any language then anywhere in the world.

Biggest ‘Doh!’ moment?
Not putting my son’s swim nappy on properly as he went for his baby swimming class…I think you can guess what he did next…!

When not coaching, you’ll find me…
Out for country walks with my family, navigating the hecticness of my Mum’s taxi service and hanging out with my close friends.

My Objective:

“To support and encourage leaders to identify and take small, courageous steps towards their best self. The accumulation of their progress leading them to become inspiring and positively impactful leaders.”

Executive Coach

Kathryn brings deep experience of working at the very top of global companies, combined with her extensive coaching skills and experience, have made her a highly sought-after executive coach for CEOs, boards and senior leadership teams internationally. She has gained a significant reputation for accelerating the development of senior leadership teams, shaping executive career transitions, and enabling culture change and development – across multiple sectors.

Kathryn’s 25-year business career spans a number of key industries and disciplines, combining to give her a multidimensional perspective of what it takes to be a great leader. Client’s appreciate her perceptive, insightful and plain speaking yet mindful coaching style, especially in an environment where often objective and honest opinion are scarce – one of the reasons why her client relationships are deep and enduring. She has a strong track record in businesses including – technology, healthcare, construction, media, marketing and energy – both with PLCs and private equity backed businesses.

In addition to working with multiple enterprise and regional CEOs and COOs, she has coached C-Suite Executives in Finance, Operations, Sales & Marketing, Strategy, R&D, Manufacturing, IT, Science & Technology, Communications, Customer Service, Actuarial, General Counsel, Risk, Quality and Engineering disciplines.

Kathryn has also undertaken a substantial amount of pro-bono work – for children’s needs using Equine Coaching to build confidence where children have had a difficult start in life.

Professional Credentials

Coaching Specialties and how Kathryn can help you…

Kathryn has devoted her commercial career to listen to and enable leaders to discover and realise their potential in international and multicultural businesses. Working in India, Europe, and the USA in periods of high-growth and disruption. She supports clients in diverse areas, including:

  • Working with diverse groups of business leaders at varying stages of their careers, such as CEO’s, Managing Directors and Senior Leaders.
  • Creating a space for leaders to reflect and develop behaviours that will positively shift and improve personal performance while enabling their teams to flourish.
  • Steering clients through demanding business agendas, enabling clients to successfully transition into new challenges, becoming more creative, resilient, self-aware and impactful.
  • Challenging clients to define, shape and implement strategy and culture change that influence growth and bottom line results.
  • Working side by side with clients in developing, dynamic and high-performing senior teams that fully leverage the strengths of their people.

My time with Kathryn:

“Kathryn has an incredible talent for taking your disparate ideas and translating them into actual, meaningful, graspable concepts that fit together. She’s a mind reader! It amazes me every time how she knows what I am thinking better than I do!”

Successful projects include:

  • Team Development Coaching – working with a newly formed team supporting / challenging them to harness their strengths and address their weaknesses. Enabling then to develop a clear strategy to leverage each-others skillset.
  • Managing Director Coaching – focusing on developing leadership effectiveness, building leadership capability, motivation and focus.
  • Women in Leadership Coaching – developing confidence – achieving promotions and the adoption of personal leadership strategies such as resilience, impact and personal brand impact.
  • Board and Executive Presence Coaching, ensuring a successful board appointment.
  • CEO Coaching – sounding board for critical thinking and decision making during turbulent times.

Commercial Experience

Business Background and a life in the real world…

Kathryn began her career at Interactive Magic, in Public Relations and Operations. . She then went on to work in a variety of senior roles in the IT sector including sales management, graduate scheme program manager, marketing and operations. It was in her role of Head of Marketing at Computacenter, that Kathryn first experienced the power of working with an executive coach. The discovery of the extent to which coaching can unleash untapped personal potential and generate significant business growth, led to her training as a professional coach.

Kathryn has since worked as an executive and business coach to a wide variety of leaders across many industries, energy, construction, pharmaceutical, healthcare, start up’s, legal, media, education , helping them each to reach their optimal performance level.

Qualifications & Certifications

  • MA Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring
  • Strengths Deployment Inventory Certified
  • Corporate Communication BA (Hons)
  • Member of the Association for Coaching

Special Interests

The powerful partnership between executive and equine coaching. Horses are natural leaders. Horses are born natural leaders trusting their senses, knowing their purpose and taking clear action. Leadership engagement in business often takes place between the outer layers of a person – but horses ignore this 'mask' and get behind the 'mask', unleashing latent potential and communicates with who you really are — the horse does not care about your role or status, they offer you a significant opportunity to learn to communicate more authentically — and to bring this capability back to your organisation for more meaningful conversations that build better teams and a better bottom line!


Floor 3,
207 Regent Street,
W18 3HH


© Fearless Engagement Limited. Registered in England and Wales Registration number 10317371.

Registered Office address: V12, Merlin Park, Ringtail Road, Burscough, Lancashire. L40 8JY

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